Amey's GSoC Blog

About Me

I am a Computer Science undergraduate at the Indian Institute of Technology, India [IITG]. I have completed my third year of B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering along with a minor in Product Design.

About The Blog

I would be maintaining this blog as a part of my work during the Google Summer of Code Program and even further to provide updates on post-GSoC work, other open-source programs, and initiatives.

My Skills and Experiences

I have worked in Python and C++ as my primary languages along with proficiency in using libraries such as Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, Keras, OpenCV, C++ STL among others I am also familiar with basic Android Development in Java, MATLAB, and Git, Bash, Latex utilities.

I have worked on a Data Minign team project where we modified an existing Spectral Co-Clustering algorithm for documents and words together.


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